Author Archive

New Publication: Prison Island Winter 2021 Update

Corporate Watch has released its third edition of Prison Island: Prison

Chorley mega-prison plans announced as part of plan for 18,000 new prison places

Content warning – references to imprisonment, suicide, self-harm, cancer, violence The

Tech Book Review

Plan C recently published a review of Corporate Watch’s new book

New Online Course coming soon!

Corporate Watch is launching a comprehensive online course very soon! The

Deliveroo’s IPO disclosures: what we’ve learnt

As it looks to woo investors ahead of its stock market

Deliveroo: we profile the dodgy delivery firm set to cash in on the stock market

Few companies have had a better pandemic than Deliveroo. Back in

MSC: a profile of one of Europe’s worst polluters

The European Network of Corporate Observatories, of which Corporate Watch is

Who is building the mega-prisons?

Last summer, the British Government announced plans to build four new

Clearsprings: Migrant Camp Profiteers

The government has hastily-adapted military bases into camps to hold people

Event: How to Stop a Mega-Prison

A member of Corporate Watch will be speaking at this event

Cast away: the UK’s rushed charter flights to deport Channel crossers

A collaborative report with Calais Migrant Solidarity and friends Warning: this

#CoronaCapitalism and the European Border Regime

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to affect people’s lives all over

Government announces plans to build four more mega-prisons

On Sunday 28th June 2020, the British Government announced plans to

#CoronaCapitalism: Riots, resistance and releases – the Coronavirus and the prison industrial complex

The Corona virus is creating huge ruptures in the prison industrial

Oasis: The Evangelical Christians opening a children’s prison

Content warning: child abuse, sexual abuse, rape, violence, transphobia The government