Author Archive

Palestinians hold solidarity vigil to remember prisoners in Israeli jails

[responsivevoice_button] Palestinians held a demonstration at the offices of the International

Private jet booked for hunger-striker deportation

[responsivevoice_button] The Home Office have chartered a private jet in their

Photos of Israeli tear gas canisters fired at Palestinian demonstrators in the Gaza ‘buffer zone’

[responsivevoice_button] On 2nd November 2013 Israeli forces fired tear gas at

Gazan farmers and fisherfolk call for food sovereignty and an end to Israeli attacks

[responsivevoice_button] On 20th November 2013 hundreds of farmers and fisherfolk gathered

Tory donor Lycamobile linked to Sri Lankan President’s family businesses

[responsivevoice_button] Corporate Watch has found business links between low cost phone

Top Tory donors visit Sri Lanka for Commonwealth business deals

[responsivevoice_button] Ahead of David Cameron’s controversial visit to Sri Lanka on

Palestinian prisoners’ association calls for the prosecution of G4S

[responsivevoice_button] Hussam Association, a Gaza based organisation of current and former

Jackpot: Camelot avoided £10m in tax from lottery – thanks to Canadian teachers

[responsivevoice_button] Camelot, the company behind the National Lottery, has avoided millions

HMRC ‘particularly feeble’ over failure to close loophole

[responsivevoice_button] The Government chose not to close a tax loophole which

Eurobonds scandal: The high street giants avoiding millions in tax

[responsivevoice_button] In the third part of our investigation into the biggest

Birds Eye, Carling, McVitie’s avoiding millions of pounds in tax

[responsivevoice_button] The companies behind some of Britain’s best-selling beer, biscuits and

Sub-prime lender Swift Group, PHS and Moto also using loophole to avoid tax

[responsivevoice_button] A sub-prime mortgage lender that was threatened with having its

The other energy scandal – power giants use loophole to cut their own tax bills

[responsivevoice_button] As people buckle under the pressure of soaring energy bills,

Gatwick Airport, ports, M6 Toll Road, Channel Tunnel rail link (HS1) accused of ‘outrageous’ tax avoidance

[responsivevoice_button] The costly Channel Tunnel rail link, Gatwick Airport and the

How it works: the quoted Eurobond dodge explained

[responsivevoice_button] In 1984 the Government introduced the “quoted Eurobond exemption”, a