Author Archive

Capita gets bigger slice of UK immigration cake, chokes on first bites

[responsivevoice_button] Thousands of migrants received threatening text messages over the Christmas

Cost of charter flight deportations increased eight-fold over last decade

[responsivevoice_button] The cost of deporting rejected asylum seekers and other migrants

Soundings: The Consultation Industry in the Elephant & Castle

[responsivevoice_button] SNAG (Southwark Notes Archives Group) tells Corporate Watch about the

The Workfare Before Christmas

[responsivevoice_button] As the legality of the government’s ‘workfare’ schemes is again

November 6, 2012 : Britain’s biggest care home owners have debts of more than £4.5bn

 [responsivevoice_button] Britain’s biggest private care home owners have combined debts of

Valero Company Profile

US-based Valero Energy is the world’s largest independent petroleum refiner. The

Tar sands ‘dirty oil’ could soon be coming to the UK

[responsivevoice_button] A new report published by the UK Tar Sands Network,

Transforming Pathology, the Serco way

[responsivevoice_button] The privatisation of pathology services in two London hospitals has

Where now for international resistance to the corporate Olympics?

[responsivevoice_button] The International Counter Olympics Network (ICON) was established the day

Vince Cable: Minister for Shell

[responsivevoice_button] What job does Vince Cable want? Chancellor? Foreign Secretary? Prime

King’s Cross Central: ‘a crude exercise in social engineering’

[responsivevoice_button] King’s Cross Central, one of Europe’s biggest inner city regeneration

G4S Company Profile

As security company G4S has grown, it has expanded the range

Monitoring G4S and the new asylum housing landlords

[responsivevoice_button] As chaos and confusion dominate the transition to the new

Barnardo’s recruiting new PR officer to counter bad publicity

[responsivevoice_button] It seems Barnardo’s is starting to feel the heat caused

Using Benefits to Blackmail

[responsivevoice_button] Gillian Wilkes, from the West Midlands, was recently made redundant