Author Archive

Serco dismisses self-harm in immigration prisons as ‘bargaining tool’

[responsivevoice_button] Two people have died from suspected heart attacks and a

August 12, 2011 : News in Brief – Watching

 [responsivevoice_button]   – Olympic village sold to property developers – Pfizer

The workfare go-betweens

[responsivevoice_button] The coalition government’s Work Programme, launched in early June, replaces

‘Making profits from the the unemployed is reprehensible’

[responsivevoice_button] Frank, a member of Islington Poverty Action Group, tells Corporate

‘I was a volunteer for six months and wasn’t given a job or paid any money’

[responsivevoice_button] “Karina” is 24 years old and lives in East London.

Unemployed people ‘bullied’ into unpaid work at Tesco, Primark and other multinationals

[responsivevoice_button] Unemployed people are being sent to work without pay in

Barnardo’s: We believe in (locking up) children

[responsivevoice_button] Britain’s largest children charity has become the latest target for

News Corp Company Profile

The publishing branch of the Murdoch media conglomerate previously known as

Riots in Bristol against Tesco and police repression

[responsivevoice_button] An attack on the radical community of Stokes Croft in

The countdown to the Olympic con continues

[responsivevoice_button] As the London Olympics approaches, and more and more corporations

April 6, 2011: News in brief – Watching the Corporations

 [responsivevoice_button] -G4S wins £100m Olympics security contract -BP to resume drilling

New detention phone system to keep detainees under control

[responsivevoice_button] A new phone system run by a private company will

Air Europa

Air Europa reluctant to talk about the ‘delicate subject’ of forcible

The biomedical scientist: Interview with Frank Wood

[responsivevoice_button] Frank Wood is a biomedical scientist at King’s College Hospital

The true cost of tickets for the Olympics: community and workplace organising?

[responsivevoice_button] Official prestige tickets for the 2012 Olympics, which include food