Author Archive

ArcelorMittal’s Olympic Marketing Monument

[responsivevoice_button] On 24th August, planning permission was granted for the 115m-high

September 8, 2010 : News in Brief – Resisting

 [responsivevoice_button] – A ‘week of hell’ for Shell in Mayo –

Supermarket Local Sourcing Initiatives: Corporate Control of the Food System and the Rise of Supermarkets

[responsivevoice_button] Corporate Control of the Food System The ownership of the

August 19, 2010 : News in Brief: Watching

[responsivevoice_button] – We’re nuked, after all – Endangered species still at

The Carbon Carousel: VAT Tax Fraud

[responsivevoice_button] We are only half way through 2010, but, as in

Will Europe become completely genetically modified?

[responsivevoice_button] On 13th July the European Commission (EC) approved changes to

Grounding deportation airlines

[responsivevoice_button] This month saw a number of mass deportation flights to

DFID in India VI: False promises

 [responsivevoice_button] The final part of the Dodgy Development: DFID in India

ExxonMobil give $600 million to create ‘synthetic life’

[responsivevoice_button] John Craig Venter, the controversial American geneticist, and his team

EDF given the go-ahead for nuclear power plants

[responsivevoice_button] EDF Energy has received sufficient reassurances from the new Liberal

Lobbing a spanner into the deportation machine

[responsivevoice_button] During a Week of Action Against the Deportation Machine, called

May 20, 2010 : News in Brief – Resisting

 [responsivevoice_button]   NEWS IN BRIEF – RESISTING   – Riots in

Robin Wood protest at Unilever’s General Assembly

[responsivevoice_button] Robin Wood activists protested on 12 May during Unilever’s general

BP oil spill: Tate complicit

[responsivevoice_button] On Saturday 15 May, the Tate Modern gallery was forced

Vale-Inco strike now longest in Sudbury Basin history

[responsivevoice_button] The longest industrial dispute in over 100 years of mining