Author Archive

Video reveals pest infestation at deportation site

[responsivevoice_button] Secret filming has found asylum-seekers are being held in squalid

Transport for London seeks new powers with developers

[responsivevoice_button] Transport for London (TfL) is currently seeking to team up

South West Water: a ‘no-risk monopoly’

  Devon resident Stan Beale analyses the prices that the water

Death at Morton Hall detention centre

7.20pm, Phil Miller @pmillerinfo   A male detainee passed away at

Rival firms fight over deportation dividend

[responsivevoice_button] A security business owned by Conservative Party donor Brian Kingham

‘Care & Custody’: Mitie’s detention centre contracts

 [responsivevoice_button] As Mitie becomes the Home Office’s largest provider of immigration

The next Serco scandal: overcharging the NHS

[responsivevoice_button] Do you have information you want to share with Corporate

True scale of captive migrant labour revealed

[responsivevoice_button] Companies are potentially saving millions by paying asylum-seekers just £1

UK subsidiary of Israeli drone manufacturer shut down in Gaza protest

[responsivevoice_button] A UK subsidiary of the Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit was

Ecotricity promises to drop G4S

[responsivevoice_button] As the bombs continued to rain down on Gaza, on

G4S sued over triple murder

[responsivevoice_button] Families of three G4S guards gunned down by a colleague

Re-visiting NETCU – Police Collaboration with Industry

[responsivevoice_button] Throughout its six year history, from 2004 until 2011, the

Tesco: the boycott that wasn’t

Firstly, the changes do not refer to all produce but only

Westfield shopping malls accused of tax dodging

[responsivevoice_button] A new report by United Voice, one of Australia’s largest

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions in Gaza: empowering action

[responsivevoice_button] As we write this there is an ongoing massacre in