Author Archive

eCourier paying millions out to owner Royal Mail while denying workers ‘basic employment rights’

With couriers at the delivery firm eCourier set to strike next

Water bosses’ pay 2018

Another year, another round of bumper payouts for water bosses. The

The Priory Group: ‘morally bankrupt’ company makes millions for owners while young people die in its care

Last month, Priory Healthcare was fined £300,000 after 14 year-old Amy

Investigating Companies Summer School

Learn how to investigate a company with Corporate Watch and the

Quarterbridge-MAM: meet the companies waging ‘f***ing war’ on local markets

[responsivevoice_button] Town centre and street markets are at the frontline of

Grainger: the corporate landlord cashing in on the housing crisis

With house prices unaffordable and social housing unavailable, seven million households

Besson St: Lewisham council and Grainger building private flats on demolished council estate

[responsivevoice_button] Besson Street in New Cross is the target for Lewisham

Waterstones paying millions to US ‘vulture fund’ owners while denying staff living wage

[responsivevoice_button] Waterstones staff are demanding to be paid the living wage.

Can the University of London afford to bring its workers in-house?

[responsivevoice_button] Cleaners, security guards, catering staff and other workers at the

Elbit Systems: company profile

[responsivevoice_button] Elbit Systems, based in Haifa, is Israel’s largest privately-owned arms

Who owns your water and how they’ll try to keep it

If water privatisation is ended, one group in particular is going

The Doctors Laboratory: directors and shareholders enjoy huge returns while couriers fight for better pay

Couriers working for The Doctors Laboratory (TDL), the UK’s biggest pathology

Foster Care Associates sold to private equity firm CapVest Partners

One of the UK’s biggest private foster care companies is being

Will Blackrock save the planet? Probably not

Dubbed a “vast money machine”, Blackrock has made a lot of

We need to get some rest

Workers in Britain feel they are working harder than at anytime