Author Archive

2023 UK Charter Deportations: A Balance Sheet

[Content warning: suicide] Drawing on Freedom of Information Act requests and

Shackles & Shambles: Capita and the electronic tagging boom

[Warning: mentions of suicide in the ‘benefits’ section] We are in

Beyond Divestment: BP & Shell show fossil fuel divestment campaigns aren’t working

In our second investigation into BP and Shell’s shareholders in collaboration

Bristol City Council & Goram Homes forcing Traveller evictions

Bristol City Council is planning to imminently force members of the

Carbon Cash Machine: meet the investors running – and destroying – our world

As part of our investigation with Queen Mary University’s Centre for

Carbon Cash Machine: charting the payouts to BP and Shell shareholders

In collaboration with Queen Mary University’s Centre for Climate Crime and

Research Against Racism: investigating companies that sustain structural inequalities

Update 5/3/23: Please note applications are now closed. Thank you to

‘Floating Prisons’: The 200-year-old family business behind the Bibby Stockholm

Bibby Line Group Limited is a UK company offering financial, marine

Podcast: Deportation profiteers

Corporate Watch was recently interviewed by the Civil Fleet podcast to

The corporate plunder of Strefi Hill

Since our interview with members of the Open Assembly for the

2022 UK charter deportations: a balance sheet

In 2022, the UK deported 1,566 people to nine countries on

Air Partner: the Home Office’s little-known deportation fixer

Air Partner and Carlson Wagonlit are the grease spinning the wheels

Heat the Rich? Part five: E.ON

Throughout this Autumn Corporate Watch has been taking a critical look

Athens, Greece: Interview on the battle for Strefi Hill

In a densely-populated corner of central Athens, a fierce battle is

Interview: How we shut down T&S rabbit breeders

Corporate Watch spoke to an activist with Shut Down T&S Rabbits,