Author Archive

Democratic confederalism in Kurdistan

[responsivevoice_button] Lead photo caption: A commune meeting in Amude in Rojava’s

‘They stole my childhood’: The trauma of being a Kurdish child in the 1990s in Turkey

[responsivevoice_button] Lead photo caption: Children attending a demonstation in the cemetery

International arms companies make a killing in Turkey: a case study of the Roboski Massacre

[responsivevoice_button] Lead Photo: Servet Encü in the village where he was

Apartheid in the fields: From occupied Palestine to UK Supermarkets

[responsivevoice_button] Israeli agricultural export companies are profiting from the Israeli colonisation

Turkey’s bloodiest massacre and displacement of the Kurds since the 1990s is happening now

[responsivevoice_button] Photo caption: Kurşunlu mosque in Amed. Damage is from bombardment

Women on the frontlines of Kurdish struggles: An interview with JİNHA women’s news agency

[responsivevoice_button] In 2015, Corporate Watch visited Bakur (meaning ‘North’ in Kurmanji),

Turkish military brutality in Diyarbakır

[responsivevoice_button] The Kurdish city of Amed (Diyarbakır in Turkish), is currently

The struggle for autonomy in North Kurdistan: Voices from Cizre

[responsivevoice_button] People in cities across North Kurdistan (the part of Kurdistan

Companies profit while Turkish police murder Kurds

As Turkish police murder Kurds, companies still make a profit [responsivevoice_button]

Arms fair organiser operating at a massive loss

[responsivevoice_button] Clarion, the company which organises the biannual DSEI arms fair

Save Hasankeyf, Stop the Ilısu dam

[responsivevoice_button] We are releasing this article on Sunday 20 September. There

Arms fair’s cyber security breached

[responsivevoice_button] Anarchists calling themselves the ‘Information Liberation Front’ (ILF) have leaked

UK arms fair welcomes Turkish officials

[responsivevoice_button] As Turkey massacres Kurds, UK arms fair welcomes Turkish officials

Support Nûdem Durak

[responsivevoice_button] This year, Kurdish singer Nûdem Durak was sentenced to ten and

Building autonomy in Turkey and Kurdistan

[responsivevoice_button] Building autonomy in Turkey and Kurdistan: an interview with Revolutionary