Arms Trade Archive

BAE Systems Company Profile

One of the biggest arms companies in the world, BAE Systems

‘Gezi will never die’: Two years on from the Gezi Uprising

[responsivevoice_button] Over the coming months Corporate Watch will be releasing a

French multinational SAFT complicit in Gaza massacre

[responsivevoice_button] As the anniversary of last year’s seven week long massacre

Shareholder activists target Barclays AGM

[responsivevoice_button] On Thursday 23 April 2015, several protests were held outside

Gaza: Life beneath the drones

[responsivevoice_button] Unpiloted aircraft, known as drones, have become Israel’s weapon of

Israel Aerospace Industries: new company profile

[responsivevoice_button] Israel Aerospace Industries is one of Israel’s biggest arms companies.

Honeywell components used to bomb Gaza last Summer

[responsivevoice_button] Components manufactured by US firm Honeywell were used to bomb

Elbit: new company profile

[responsivevoice_button] Elbit Systems, based in Haifa, is Israel’s largest publicly traded

Israel Aerospace Industries Company Profile

Israel Aerospace Industries is one of Israel’s biggest arms companies. Founded

Turkish military vehicle supplier exhibiting in Birmingham next week

[responsivevoice_button] A company which boasts that it is “the main supplier

How MagForce violates arms controls

[responsivevoice_button] Corporate Watch has today published its dossier on the French

Barclays Stockbrokers facilitating investment in arms trade

[responsivevoice_button] Barclays Bank claims that it is “not an investor in

Solidarity campaigners plan demonstration at Elbit Systems

[responsivevoice_button] Friday 17th October 2014, 1-3pm Stop arming Israel – Demonstration

MagForce International Company Profile

MagForce (or Mag Force) International is a military equipment manufacturer based

What it means to survive a drone attack

[responsivevoice_button] “On 6 November 2006, I was waiting for a bus