Banking & Finance Archive

#CoronaCapitalism: six ways capitalism spreads the crisis

Are people sunbathing in parks the real villains of the corona

#CoronaCapitalism: companies cashing in part 2 — Airline bailouts, Travelodge, Blackstone, Goldman Sachs, Wren Kitchens …

Here’s a second news round-up of some corporate corona crisis activity,

Corona Capitalism: some of the companies cashing in on the crisis, from Bezos to Big Pharma ..

Big Pharma; Crispin Odey; Amazon; Deliveroo; Balfour Beatty; Britannia Hotels; Marshall

Wreckers of the Earth: a map of ecocidal capitalism in London

OCTOBER 2021 NOTE: This version of the directory is now out

The Wreckers of the Earth: London company directory

OCTOBER 2021 NOTE: This version of the directory is now out

Will Blackrock save the planet? Probably not

Dubbed a “vast money machine”, Blackrock has made a lot of

Economics for a finite planet

[responsivevoice_button] As part of our Green Capitalism project, one contributor, Benjamin,

Shareholder activists target Barclays AGM

[responsivevoice_button] On Thursday 23 April 2015, several protests were held outside

Greek debt: what they don’t tell you

[responsivevoice_button] Over the past few weeks Alexander Stubb, Prime Minister of

False Dilemmas: A Critical Guide to the Euro Zone Crisis

[responsivevoice_button] For everyone who cares about the politics of austerity and

Barclays Stockbrokers facilitating investment in arms trade

[responsivevoice_button] Barclays Bank claims that it is “not an investor in

Has the Green Investment Bank cleaned up its act?

[responsivevoice_button] The Green Investment Bank (GIB) has just published its second

From Olympic spectacle to social crisis: review of Future Suspended

[responsivevoice_button] Review: Crisis-Scape’s new film invites us in to the shadows

Who is Greek debt ‘sustainability’ for?

[responsivevoice_button] International lenders and their domestic Greek collaborators (the coalition government)

Firms running NHS care services avoiding millions in tax

  Companies receiving lucrative government contracts to run care services looking