Companies Archive

Corona Capitalism: some of the companies cashing in on the crisis, from Bezos to Big Pharma ..

Big Pharma; Crispin Odey; Amazon; Deliveroo; Balfour Beatty; Britannia Hotels; Marshall

Wreckers of the Earth: a map of ecocidal capitalism in London

OCTOBER 2021 NOTE: This version of the directory is now out

The Wreckers of the Earth: London company directory

OCTOBER 2021 NOTE: This version of the directory is now out

The role of British universities in supporting Israel’s demolitions of Palestinian Homes

By Tom Anderson Palestinians are calling for people internationally to take

Elbit Systems: company profile

[responsivevoice_button] Elbit Systems, based in Haifa, is Israel’s largest privately-owned arms

Ambassadors of Corporate Crime

Ambassadors of Corporate Crime (by David Whyte) In the midst of

Amazon: it’s more than Bezos

Last week, stock market punters in the US pushed Amazon’s share

Aurora Energy Resources: a Ferrari-loving oilman bets on fracking

The Aberdeen-based company Aurora Energy Resources holds four licences to explore

G4S: company profile 2018

G4S is one of the world’s biggest security companies, active in

GEO: company profile 2018

GEO is the second largest US private prisons company. It boasted

Serco: company profile 2018

Serco is an outsourcing company that specialises in public sector work.

Government allowed Carillion staff to work in prisons without mandatory suicide prevention training

Newly-released documents from an inquest into the tragic death of a

Deliveroo: where’s the money?

Deliveroo is one of the UK’s most valuable tech firms yet

Elbit Systems Company Profile

Update February 2019: We have written a new, updated profile of

Rydon Company Profile

Currently in the news for its refurbishment of the Grenfell Tower