Coronacapitalism Archive

HCA: Promoting US style for-profit healthcare in the UK

In February 2022, cleaners at London Bridge Hospital launched a new

Pfizer: six scandals to remember

Pfizer is likely to make huge profits from its COVID-19 vaccine

The Fur Industry: a corporate overview

Fur production is banned in the UK, and the industry has

Animal farming & COVID-19: from China’s wildlife trade to the European fur industry

We look at COVID-19’s potential origins in intensive animal farming, and

Vaccinating Capitalism: corporate pharma raids the commons and leaves the root causes untreated

by David Whyte Telling the story of the search for the

Vaccine Capitalism: a run-down of the huge profits being made from COVID-19 vaccines

Pharmaceutical companies and their bosses and shareholders stand to make billions

Vaccine Capitalism: five ways big pharma makes so much money

The pharmaceutical industry is hugely profitable. The biggest pharma companies have

Deliveroo: we profile the dodgy delivery firm set to cash in on the stock market

Few companies have had a better pandemic than Deliveroo. Back in

“You despicable beasts”: Dignity Funerals and commodified death in the spotlight

by Samantha Fletcher and William McGowan In late March 2020, Dignity

#CoronaCapitalism: six ways capitalism spreads the crisis

Are people sunbathing in parks the real villains of the corona

#CoronaCapitalism: Riots, resistance and releases – the Coronavirus and the prison industrial complex

The Corona virus is creating huge ruptures in the prison industrial


How are corporations and capitalism responding to the corona crisis? How