Migration Archive

The Home Office deportation drive against Channel-crossing migrants: a balance sheet

Between August and December 2020, in the run-up to Brexit, the

Evelop / Barceló Group: deportation planes from Spain

The Barceló Group is a leading Spanish travel and hotel company

The two sides of TUI: crisis-hit holiday giant turned deportation specialist

2020 was a rough year for the tourism industry, with businesses

Camp Residents of Penally: an interview with refugees organising inside the Home Office’s military camp

Last week we published a profile of Clearsprings, the outsourcing company

Privilege Style: the Home Office’s deportation airline of last resort

Lot of privilege, no style On 2 December the UK Home

Clearsprings: Migrant Camp Profiteers

The government has hastily-adapted military bases into camps to hold people

Hi Fly: airline profiting from deportations while owners decry ‘desperate plight of migrants’

The government’s attempts to hastily expel Channel-crossing migrants on charter flights

Cast away: the UK’s rushed charter flights to deport Channel crossers

A collaborative report with Calais Migrant Solidarity and friends Warning: this

#CoronaCapitalism and the European Border Regime

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to affect people’s lives all over

Mears Group 2020 update: scandal-ridden landlord under fire from Glasgow to Gloucester

At the start of 2019 we published a profile on Mears

UK deportations 2020: how BA, Easyjet and other airlines collaborate with the border regime

On 30 April, with UK airports largely deserted during the Covid-19

Rough-sleeper raids: how homeless charity deportations carry on rebranded

by Eve Dickson and Benjamin Morgan In December 2017 the High

A life costs £10,000: how G4S’ Brook House detention contract works

In 2017, security company G4S was in the headlines again after

Immigration raids: how direct action got UK’s ICE squads on the run

Immigration raids on people’s workplaces are one of the UK government’s

Calais: after the Jungle – an interview with Calais Migrant Solidarity, June 2019

In 2016, the northern French port town of Calais was all