Migration Archive

Calais: border profiteers update June 2019

Calais’ mayor has being trying to rebrand the town as a

Mears Group: scandal-hit council housing profiteer turns asylum landlord

[responsivevoice_button] Mears is an outsourcing company working in two sectors: housing

New asylum contracts: Mears Group and Migrant Help win big, as G4S loses housing deal

Update: see our new company profile of Mears Group here. A

UK Border Regime: 4 events coming up in London, Bristol, Sheffield and Glasgow

In the next 10 days we’ll be attending four events to

UK Border Regime: immigration raids briefing October 2018

This briefing updates our 2016 report on immigration raids called “Snitches,

Corporate Watch at Bristol Tattoo Circus

Two members of Corporate Watch will be at Bristol Tattoo Circus

OUT NOW: The UK Border Regime

Our new book The UK Border Regime: a critical guide is

What does the Heathrow runway plan mean for future of detention centres?

In June, the UK government approved the plan to build a

UK Border Regime: a brief history of resistance to immigration detention

This is an excerpt from our new book The UK Border

UK Border Regime: Detention Centres briefing October 2018

This is an excerpt from our new book The UK Border

The UK Border Regime: book introduction and summary

This is the introduction and summary from our new book The

Detention centre profits: 20% and up for the migration prison bosses

Just how much money do companies make from locking up people

Deportation Charter Flights: updated report 2018

Each year, the UK Home Office deports over 12,000 people in

Deportation targets and the deterrent dogma: UK immigration enforcement from Straw to May

Home Office anti-migrant policies have been built around deportation targets since

G4S: company profile 2018

G4S is one of the world’s biggest security companies, active in