Palestine Archive

HorrOracle: The Big Tech Giant Embedded in Our NHS

In recent years, both the Tories and Labour have been avidly

Infosys: Rishi Sunak, Big Tech and the NHS

The latest Sunday Times Rich List reported that Rishi Sunak and

Who’s Arming Israel? BAE’s munitions & white phosphorous in Gaza

This is the second part of a project naming and locating

Palantir in the UK: From the Ministry of Defence to the NHS

Palantir in the UK This is the second of two articles

Palantir: International Tech Despot

This is the first in two articles investigating US tech company,

The role of British universities in supporting Israel’s demolitions of Palestinian Homes

By Tom Anderson Palestinians are calling for people internationally to take

Check Point Software: Ex-Israeli military spooks profiting from the cyber-security industry

Check Point Software Technologies sells internet security products across the world,

Elbit Systems: company profile

[responsivevoice_button] Elbit Systems, based in Haifa, is Israel’s largest privately-owned arms

UK Border Regime: immigration raids briefing October 2018

This briefing updates our 2016 report on immigration raids called “Snitches,

G4S: company profile 2018

G4S is one of the world’s biggest security companies, active in

Elbit Systems Company Profile

Update February 2019: We have written a new, updated profile of

Apartheid in the fields: From occupied Palestine to UK Supermarkets

[responsivevoice_button] Israeli agricultural export companies are profiting from the Israeli colonisation

Palestinian solidarity for parents

[responsivevoice_button] Demolition of a home in East Jerusalem, as depicted by

French multinational SAFT complicit in Gaza massacre

[responsivevoice_button] As the anniversary of last year’s seven week long massacre

Shareholder activists target Barclays AGM

[responsivevoice_button] On Thursday 23 April 2015, several protests were held outside