Palestine Archive

Avoiding accountability: Life in Ramleh prison hospital

[responsivevoice_button] Corporate Watch has been investigating the companies involved in the

Oxfam’s PR firm helping to greenwash Sodastream

[responsivevoice_button] UPDATE 09/04/2014 – Response from Oxfam America: Oxfam claims that

Anti militarists launch private prosecution against arms companies

[responsivevoice_button] A statement by the activists lawyers reads: “Hodge Jones &

Life for a sick Palestinian prisoner in the Israeli prison complex

[responsivevoice_button] International action has been called for in solidarity with prisoners

Cases dropped against arms fair campaigners

[responsivevoice_button] This week the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) discontinued a case

Will the flowers of Gaza break Israel’s siege this Valentine’s Day?

[responsivevoice_button] Valentine’s Day is almost upon us and for supermarkets and

Ahava blockaders’ Supreme Court appeal fails, but campaign remains victorious

[responsivevoice_button] An appeal to the Supreme Court by two campaigners against

Gaza: Life beneath the drones

[responsivevoice_button] In the Gaza Strip there is no escape from Israel’s

Donate to Corporate Occupation

[responsivevoice_button] Last year Corporate Watch researchers spent three months in occupied

Sireen Khudairy Released

[responsivevoice_button] Yesterday we reported that Sireen Khudairy had been arrested by

Take action against the arrest and harassment of Sireen Khudairy

[responsivevoice_button] Corporate Watch is calling for solidarity with Sireen Khudairy, a

An activist’s guide to travelling to Gaza

[responsivevoice_button] Corporate Watch has just returned from a research trip to

JCB equipment used in Jordan Valley home demolition

 [responsivevoice_button] Corporate Watch has been provided with photos of JCB equipment

Letter of support from organisations in Gaza to DSEi arms fair Defendants

 [responsivevoice_button] Hundreds of Palestinians have come out in support of the

BDS workshop draws dozens of farmers and agricultural officials in Gaza

From International Solidarity Movement, Maria del Mar Fernandez and Mohammed Abedullah