Public Services Archive

Who owns your water and how they’ll try to keep it

If water privatisation is ended, one group in particular is going

Foster Care Associates sold to private equity firm CapVest Partners

One of the UK’s biggest private foster care companies is being

Water company shareholders make £6.5 billion in five years

Water company shareholders made £6.5 billion in the five year period

G4S: company profile 2018

G4S is one of the world’s biggest security companies, active in

Serco: company profile 2018

Serco is an outsourcing company that specialises in public sector work.

Water bosses’ huge pay packets: analysis

An investigation by Corporate Watch and the GMB union released earlier

Home care pay calculator

Most people expect to be paid for all the time they

Government allowed Carillion staff to work in prisons without mandatory suicide prevention training

Newly-released documents from an inquest into the tragic death of a

South West Water: pollution, floods and profits

South West Water charges the people of Devon and Cornwall some

Southern Rail: ‘depressing, exhausting and frustrating’

As another strike begins, problems on the Southern Rail route continue.

Short, badly paid and late: home care in England and Wales

CM2000 Care Management, one of the call monitoring systems used by

The Home Care Business

[responsivevoice_button] As more and more people are failed by the UK’s

The Home Care Business

Carewatch marketing ( As more and more people are failed by

Understanding care workers’ pay and travel time

Care workers face many obstacles when trying to get a fair

Virgin Company Profile

Founded and owned by serial chancer Richard Branson, the Virgin brand