Slider Archive

No Prisons Podcast

Nicole from Corporate Watch was recently interviewed on the No Prisons

Corporate Watch at Bristol Tattoo Circus

Two members of Corporate Watch will be at Bristol Tattoo Circus

OUT NOW: The UK Border Regime

Our new book The UK Border Regime: a critical guide is

What does the Heathrow runway plan mean for future of detention centres?

In June, the UK government approved the plan to build a

UK Border Regime: a brief history of resistance to immigration detention

This is an excerpt from our new book The UK Border

UK Border Regime: Detention Centres briefing October 2018

This is an excerpt from our new book The UK Border

The UK Border Regime: book introduction and summary

This is the introduction and summary from our new book The

Inside Britain’s Close Supervision Centres: Prisons within prisons

Corporate Watch recently interviewed ex-prisoner Kyle Major about his experiences in

We need to get some rest

Workers in Britain feel they are working harder than at anytime

Zuckerburg tightens his grip

Mark Zuckerburg has tightened his grip on Instagram and WhatsApp. When

Vedanta to de-list from London Stock Exchange after ‘corporate massacre’ of protesters

Vedanta Resources is a multi-billion dollar mining company headed by Anil

New Podcast: Prison Island on the Lockdown

A researcher at Corporate Watch was recently interviewed on Lockdown Podcast

Prison Island Tour

Corporate Watch is going on tour! We will be promoting our

Amazon: it’s more than Bezos

Last week, stock market punters in the US pushed Amazon’s share

Axe Drax

Biofuel Watch gives the latest on Drax and it’s plan to