Slider Archive

Zuckerburg tightens his grip

Mark Zuckerburg has tightened his grip on Instagram and WhatsApp. When

Vedanta to de-list from London Stock Exchange after ‘corporate massacre’ of protesters

Vedanta Resources is a multi-billion dollar mining company headed by Anil

New Podcast: Prison Island on the Lockdown

A researcher at Corporate Watch was recently interviewed on Lockdown Podcast

Prison Island Tour

Corporate Watch is going on tour! We will be promoting our

Amazon: it’s more than Bezos

Last week, stock market punters in the US pushed Amazon’s share

Axe Drax

Biofuel Watch gives the latest on Drax and it’s plan to

Prison Island: A new report on prison expansion in England, Wales and Scotland – Download now

Prison Island: Prison Expansion in England, Wales and Scotland shines a

Aurora Energy Resources: a Ferrari-loving oilman bets on fracking

The Aberdeen-based company Aurora Energy Resources holds four licences to explore

Water company shareholders make £6.5 billion in five years

Water company shareholders made £6.5 billion in the five year period

Detention centre profits: 20% and up for the migration prison bosses

Just how much money do companies make from locking up people

Deportation Charter Flights: updated report 2018

Each year, the UK Home Office deports over 12,000 people in

Deportation targets and the deterrent dogma: UK immigration enforcement from Straw to May

Home Office anti-migrant policies have been built around deportation targets since

G4S: company profile 2018

G4S is one of the world’s biggest security companies, active in

GEO: company profile 2018

GEO is the second largest US private prisons company. It boasted

Serco: company profile 2018

Serco is an outsourcing company that specialises in public sector work.