Work Archive

Infosys: Rishi Sunak, Big Tech and the NHS

The latest Sunday Times Rich List reported that Rishi Sunak and

It’s time to Make Amazon Pay: how you can take action on Black Friday

Amazon is one of the world’s largest companies and a high-tech

HCA: Promoting US style for-profit healthcare in the UK

In February 2022, cleaners at London Bridge Hospital launched a new

Stuart Delivery: La Poste’s gig economy gamble

The longest gig economy strike in the UK is today into

Deliveroo’s IPO disclosures: what we’ve learnt

As it looks to woo investors ahead of its stock market

Deliveroo: we profile the dodgy delivery firm set to cash in on the stock market

Few companies have had a better pandemic than Deliveroo. Back in

#CoronaCapitalism: six ways capitalism spreads the crisis

Are people sunbathing in parks the real villains of the corona

eCourier paying millions out to owner Royal Mail while denying workers ‘basic employment rights’

With couriers at the delivery firm eCourier set to strike next

Waterstones paying millions to US ‘vulture fund’ owners while denying staff living wage

[responsivevoice_button] Waterstones staff are demanding to be paid the living wage.

Can the University of London afford to bring its workers in-house?

[responsivevoice_button] Cleaners, security guards, catering staff and other workers at the

The Doctors Laboratory: directors and shareholders enjoy huge returns while couriers fight for better pay

Couriers working for The Doctors Laboratory (TDL), the UK’s biggest pathology

Foster Care Associates sold to private equity firm CapVest Partners

One of the UK’s biggest private foster care companies is being

Poppies, Prison labour and the War Machine

Poppies and Prison Labour At this time of year, people wearing

We need to get some rest

Workers in Britain feel they are working harder than at anytime

Home care pay calculator

Most people expect to be paid for all the time they