Coach parties and deportation: An open letter to WH Tours


We understand that WH Tours is subcontracted by G4S to provide coaches for transporting detained migrants from immigration detention centres to airports for deportation on commercial or specially charted flights.

As you must be aware, the vast majority of deportations have been to countries devastated by wars and armed conflicts such as Afghanistan, Iraq, DR Congo, Nigeria, Jamaica, Sri Lanka and so on. After being forcibly deported, many have been kidnapped, imprisoned, tortured and killed. Others have had to change their identities or move again to avoid persecution. Forcible deportations also tear apart people’s lives as they are split from their families and communities and their right to freedom of movement is denied.

By providing coaches to transport deportees to the airport, WH Tours is complicit in the human tragedies that forcible deportations cause.

Furthermore, there is mounting evidence that deportees, including families and children, have been repeatedly subjected to racial and violent abuse at the hands of G4S security (see, for example, this report). By providing coaches where some of this abuse takes place, WH Tours is complicit in these unlawful acts, too.

Please confirm, in the light of this information, whether you will cease providing coaches for G4S and the UKBA for the purpose of forcible deportations. We would also be interested to hear WH Tours’ position on forcible deportation as your other customers have the right to know how ethical your business is.

Your sincerely,

Corporate Watch