The support we offer includes:

Company Investigations

We encourage individuals and groups to contact us with information and requests about companies they think need looking into. Since we started in 1996 we have collaborated with a huge variety of individuals, grassroots groups and campaigns. Get in touch here.


Corporate Watch runs ‘Do-It-Yourself’ training for groups who want to develop corporate research skills for campaigning purposes.  We also offer ‘Do-It-Together’ trainings, which involves carrying out collaborative research on a company or set of companies, whilst equipping the group with the skills to do it alone.  Our training can cover the basics of company research, or focus on more specialised tasks like how to read a company’s accounts in detail. Find out more here.

Do-It-Yourself handbook and online course

We aim to produce useful materials to support people to develop research skills themselves. Our DIY Handbook and online course provide information on how to investigate companies for free and at your own pace.

Corporate mapping by some of our training participants