How it works: the quoted Eurobond dodge explained

[responsivevoice_button] In 1984 the Government introduced the “quoted Eurobond exemption”, a

Eurobonds scandal: The high street giants avoiding millions in tax

[responsivevoice_button] In the third part of our investigation into the biggest

Birds Eye, Carling, McVitie’s avoiding millions of pounds in tax

[responsivevoice_button] The companies behind some of Britain’s best-selling beer, biscuits and

Sub-prime lender Swift Group, PHS and Moto also using loophole to avoid tax

[responsivevoice_button] A sub-prime mortgage lender that was threatened with having its

The other energy scandal – power giants use loophole to cut their own tax bills

[responsivevoice_button] As people buckle under the pressure of soaring energy bills,

Gatwick Airport, ports, M6 Toll Road, Channel Tunnel rail link (HS1) accused of ‘outrageous’ tax avoidance

[responsivevoice_button] The costly Channel Tunnel rail link, Gatwick Airport and the

Firms running NHS care services avoiding millions in tax

  Companies receiving lucrative government contracts to run care services looking

Research in Gaza, November 2013

[responsivevoice_button] The Corporate Occupation research team will be in Gaza during

FOR SALE: Top UK riot cops. EXPORT: To war zones and dictators

[responsivevoice_button] Meet Ineqe Group, the Belfast security consultancy with a bizarre

Wonga’s Swiss Wangle: payday lender moving money to tax haven

[responsivevoice_button] Payday loan firm Wonga has moved key parts of its

Why Bethlehem industrial zone is struggling to find investors

[responsivevoice_button] The Bethlehem park is one of several joint industrial areas

John Deere and the exploitation of occupied land

Signage on a packing house in the illegal settlement of Na’ama

Yarl’s Wood women: ‘We are not street dogs’

[responsivevoice_button] Over 30 women are on hunger strike at the notorious

Corporate Watch condemns police harassment

[responsivevoice_button] Corporate Watch researchers are repeatedly subjected to police harassment: This

Fighting repression of our movements

[responsivevoice_button] Tom Anderson, a researcher for Corporate Watch, has been stopped