At Corporate Watch, we don’t take money from companies or governments, and are supported by generous donations from our readers. So if you like our work, please consider helping us with whatever you can afford. Even small amounts helps ensure that we can continue to produce free, independent work to inform and materially support those taking action for radical social change.

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Where your money goes

Case study: City Sprint

We dig out the information to support those facing corporate greed or abuse. And together, we get results. Check out our list of our success stories here, but for now here’s just one example: industry giant Citysprint told its bike couriers it couldn’t afford to pay them the living wage. We combed through company accounts to find they were paying millions out to their owners. Armed with this new info, the couriers won a pay rise. Their union the IWGB says:

“Corporate Watch has helped us expose the dodgy money-making schemes of the UK’s worst companies and helped us find out what’s really going on behind the scenes!”

And if you’re curious to know what people think of our training, have a read of our testimonials.

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Our bank details are:

Corporate Watch Co-operative Ltd
Account number: 50108062
Sort code: 08-92-50
The Co-operative Bank
IBAN: GB76 CPBK 0892 5050 1080 62

Our postal address is:

Corporate Watch, C/O Freedom Press, Angel Alley, 84b, Whitechapel High Street, London, England, E1 7QX

Thank you so much for your support.