Biotech Archive
Climate change solutions: false, fictional and dangerous

[responsivevoice_button] Almuth Ernsting from Biofuelwatch explores why sci-fi climate change solutions
23 Nov 2016
What’s up with biomass gasification?

[responsivevoice_button] Almuth Ernsting from the campaign group Biofuelwatch looks at biomass
02 Jun 2016
Is this the UK comeback of GM?

[responsivevoice_button] The growing pro-GM stance expressed by mainstream media and politicians,
20 May 2012
New harmful pathogen found in Roundup Ready GM crops

[responsivevoice_button] In February, a senior scientist at the United States Department
24 Feb 2011
Update on the GM industry in the UK and beyond

[responsivevoice_button] Controversial GM plans that will allow genetically modified crops to
10 Feb 2011
The ‘Organised Irresponsibility’ of GM corporations and a new generation of GM activism.

[responsivevoice_button] Genetically Modified (GM) crops are on the rise within the
19 Jan 2011
Will Europe become completely genetically modified?

[responsivevoice_button] On 13th July the European Commission (EC) approved changes to
21 Jul 2010
ExxonMobil give $600 million to create ‘synthetic life’

[responsivevoice_button] John Craig Venter, the controversial American geneticist, and his team
08 Jun 2010
Dodgy Development II: Smile for the Camera

[responsivevoice_button] Eshwarappa M and Richard Whittell’s series looking at the role
25 Feb 2010
Top scientist blames hunger in Africa on anti-GM, not corporate pillage!

[responsivevoice_button] The government’s ex-chief scientific adviser has accused anti-GM campaigners of
22 Sep 2008