Palestine Archive

Born in an Israeli Prison

[responsivevoice_button] Pictured – Palestinian women and their children join the weekly

Gaza: Life beneath the drones

[responsivevoice_button] Unpiloted aircraft, known as drones, have become Israel’s weapon of

Israel Aerospace Industries: new company profile

[responsivevoice_button] Israel Aerospace Industries is one of Israel’s biggest arms companies.

Honeywell components used to bomb Gaza last Summer

[responsivevoice_button] Components manufactured by US firm Honeywell were used to bomb

Elbit: new company profile

[responsivevoice_button] Elbit Systems, based in Haifa, is Israel’s largest publicly traded

‘They get money and they cost our lives’ – Gaza: Life beneath the drones part six

[responsivevoice_button] Photo Caption – An Israeli surveillance balloon over a house

Family forced from their home by Israeli drone attacks

[responsivevoice_button] This is part five of our series of articles focussing

Trading under siege: the dying export industry in the Gaza Strip

[responsivevoice_button] Corporate Watch researchers visited the Gaza Strip during November and

Palestinian women’s union calls for boycott of Israel

[responsivevoice_button] In December 2013, Corporate Watch interviewed Taghrid Jooma of the

Gaza life beneath the drones: Part Four

[responsivevoice_button] Click here to read parts one, two and three. This

Barclays Stockbrokers facilitating investment in arms trade

[responsivevoice_button] Barclays Bank claims that it is “not an investor in

Solidarity campaigners plan demonstration at Elbit Systems

[responsivevoice_button] Friday 17th October 2014, 1-3pm Stop arming Israel – Demonstration

What it means to survive a drone attack

[responsivevoice_button] “On 6 November 2006, I was waiting for a bus

UK subsidiary of Israeli drone manufacturer shut down in Gaza protest

[responsivevoice_button] A UK subsidiary of the Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit was

Ecotricity promises to drop G4S

[responsivevoice_button] As the bombs continued to rain down on Gaza, on