Technology Archive

HorrOracle: The Big Tech Giant Embedded in Our NHS

In recent years, both the Tories and Labour have been avidly

Infosys: Rishi Sunak, Big Tech and the NHS

The latest Sunday Times Rich List reported that Rishi Sunak and

Palantir in the UK: From the Ministry of Defence to the NHS

Palantir in the UK This is the second of two articles

Palantir: International Tech Despot

This is the first in two articles investigating US tech company,

Mitie detention profiteers: 2023 company profile

Mitie is a major British outsourcing firm providing a mixed bag

Tech Book Review

Plan C recently published a review of Corporate Watch’s new book

Coming Soon: Corporate Watch Guide to Technology

Corporate Watch will soon publish a new book: ‘TECH: A Guide

The Zombie Technofix

Relying on unproven technologies such as Carbon Capture and Storage is

OUT NOW: The UK Border Regime

Our new book The UK Border Regime: a critical guide is

The UK Border Regime: book introduction and summary

This is the introduction and summary from our new book The

Climate change solutions: false, fictional and dangerous

[responsivevoice_button] Almuth Ernsting from Biofuelwatch explores why sci-fi climate change solutions

An A-Z of Green Capitalism

[responsivevoice_button] Our guide to Green Capitalism, explaining the dangers of this

What’s up with biomass gasification?

[responsivevoice_button] Almuth Ernsting from the campaign group Biofuelwatch looks at biomass

Companies profit while Turkish police murder Kurds

As Turkish police murder Kurds, companies still make a profit [responsivevoice_button]

Arms fair’s cyber security breached

[responsivevoice_button] Anarchists calling themselves the ‘Information Liberation Front’ (ILF) have leaked