Corporate Watch runs ‘Do-It-Yourself’ training for groups, organisations and individuals who want to investigate a company and its actions.

They explain how to find out key details about a company, including how to look into its actions and track record, how much money it is making, its owners and directors, links with government and public sector contracts and licences.

“The training was brilliant – exactly what a workshop should be – explaining, questioning, discussing, being given exercises, lots of breaks, good use of power point, a real exchange of information.” – Feedback from NHS campaigner after previous training day.

We can tailor a session to your group’s particular needs, to make is as useful as possible. Have a look at the contents page of our Do-It-Yourself handbook for more of an idea of what we can cover, and get in touch to find out more.


We also run specialized training in particular types of research techniques, including:

– understanding company accounts and finances

– tracking company ownership

– following the money made from public service contracts


We are also currently running workshops in the following subject areas:

– The Private Finance Initiative (PFI): find out how it is impacting a service and who is profiting from it.

– Unconventional fossil fuels: From fracking to tar sands, all you need to know, based on Corporate Watch’s ‘To The Ends of The Earth‘ report.

– Climate Change: An introduction to the science, the role of corporations and the implications for society.


We can provide training for free to unfunded grassroots groups and campaigns – though we may have to ask you to cover travel and venue costs.


We charge larger groups, unions, NGOs and other organisations on a sliding scale.


Get in touch to find out more. Call us on 02074260005 or email