U-Turn on Carbon Capture and Storage


The conservative party pledged, before the last election, to fit equipment which captures and stores carbon emissions (CCS) to two-thirds of new coal plants. The promotion of CCS technology has been used as a sweetener for the expansion of coal. Companies have put CCS forward as a ‘solution’ in an attempt to rehabilitate coal-power. However, recent announcements show that only one third, rather than two-thirds, of new coal plants will be required to fit the equipment.

Meanwhile, Scottish ministers have pulled support from Ayrshire Power’s new coal-fired power station at Hunterston in North Ayrshire, Scotland, saying that Scotland’s electricity needs can be met without it, due to the ‘large projected growth in wind power and other renewables’.

The plant has been the subject of complaints, protests and legal challenges from a broad coalition of campaigners.

A www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2010/11/17094217/0”>policy statement, released by the Scottish parliament also promotes the development of CCS.

See www.robedwards.com/2010/11/plan-for-big-new-coal-plant-at-hunterston-doomed.html and www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/nov/23/conservative-coal-plant-emissions-promise