UK Border Regime: 4 events coming up in London, Bristol, Sheffield and Glasgow

In the next 10 days we’ll be attending four events to talk about our research on the UK’s hostile environment against migrants, collected in our newly published book The UK Border Regime. Please come along if you’re nearby!
First, on Saturday 3 November in London, Corporate Watch will be giving evidence to the People’s Permanent Tribunal which is putting “the Hostile Environment on Trial”. Read all about the tribunal here. The event takes place on both Saturday and Sunday at the Friends’ Meeting House in Central London. (Full address: 173-177 Euston Rd, London, NW1 2BJ).
The next day, Sunday 4th November, we’ll be in Bristol at the Tattoo Circus, a non-commercial tattoo event raising money in solidarity with prisoners, alongside all the tattooing and piercing there is a program of workshops and talks. Our talk presenting the book will be at 4.30PM.
On Tuesday 6th November, we’ll be in Sheffield. We’ve been invited by the South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG) to discuss the book. Event details: 6.30-8.30PM at The Sanctuary, 37-39 Chapel Walk Sheffield.
Then on Saturday 10th November it’s up to Glasgow. We’ll be running a workshop on our book at a day-long event called “Resisting the Hostile Environment“, organised by the Unity Centre. This takes place at The Space, 257 London Road, Glasgow, G40 1PE.