Search Results for: mitie

Mitie detention profiteers: 2023 company profile

Mitie is a major British outsourcing firm providing a mixed bag

Mitie wins deportation ‘escorting’ contract

Outsourcing corporation Mitie has announced that it will be taking over

When Mitie care workers fight back

[responsivevoice_button] Anne’s first call started at 7am and her last finished

Mitie profits over £2m from detention

[responsivevoice_button] Mitie profits over £2m from detention centres despite criticisms Mitie

Child detained for two months ‘by mistake’ at Mitie centre

[responsivevoice_button] A child was locked up for 62 days “by mistake”

‘Care & Custody’: Mitie’s detention centre contracts

 [responsivevoice_button] As Mitie becomes the Home Office’s largest provider of immigration

Mitie’s Campsfield £1m fire damage

[responsivevoice_button] Outsourcing firm Mitie could be liable for a £924,300 bill

Serco surrender flagship detention centre to Mitie

[responsivevoice_button] Serco have given up a lucrative government contract to detain

Mitie Company Profile

Mitie started life as a cleaning company but now provides a

2023 UK Charter Deportations: A Balance Sheet

[Content warning: suicide] Drawing on Freedom of Information Act requests and

Palantir in the UK: From the Ministry of Defence to the NHS

Palantir in the UK This is the second of two articles

Shackles & Shambles: Capita and the electronic tagging boom

[Warning: mentions of suicide in the ‘benefits’ section] We are in

Bristol City Council & Goram Homes forcing Traveller evictions

Bristol City Council is planning to imminently force members of the

The corporate plunder of Strefi Hill

Since our interview with members of the Open Assembly for the

2022 UK charter deportations: a balance sheet

In 2022, the UK deported 1,566 people to nine countries on