Search Results for: mitie

UK Border Regime: Detention Centres briefing October 2018

This is an excerpt from our new book The UK Border

The UK Border Regime: book introduction and summary

This is the introduction and summary from our new book The

Detention centre profits: 20% and up for the migration prison bosses

Just how much money do companies make from locking up people

Deportation Charter Flights: updated report 2018

Each year, the UK Home Office deports over 12,000 people in

G4S: company profile 2018

G4S is one of the world’s biggest security companies, active in

GEO: company profile 2018

GEO is the second largest US private prisons company. It boasted

Serco: company profile 2018

Serco is an outsourcing company that specialises in public sector work.

Rewards of abuse: detention shambles as G4S’ Brook House contract extended

On Friday 4 May, slipped between the local elections and the

Immigration Detention Centres Factsheet: new edition May 2018

This is a new update of our Detention Centres Factsheet. You

Who is immigration policy for? (Full report)

Download this report as a PDF document. What really drives the

Carceral Colonialism: Britain’s plan to build a prison wing in Nigeria

The British Government recently announced its intention to build a new

G4S and Carlson Wagonlit: profiteers scrabble for more Home Office contracts

This week secret filming by a brave whistleblower gave a glimpse

Short, badly paid and late: home care in England and Wales

CM2000 Care Management, one of the call monitoring systems used by

Deportation Charter Flights: Collective Expulsion in 2017

[responsivevoice_button] Profiling the UK’s mass deportation charter flights and some of

The Home Care Business

[responsivevoice_button] As more and more people are failed by the UK’s