Author Archive

The role of British universities in supporting Israel’s demolitions of Palestinian Homes

By Tom Anderson Palestinians are calling for people internationally to take

Check Point Software: Ex-Israeli military spooks profiting from the cyber-security industry

Check Point Software Technologies sells internet security products across the world,

British government funding for Nigerian deportation prison scrapped

Last year, Corporate Watch reported on the British Government’s plans to

Help us tailor our Investigating Companies trainings to your needs

Please help Corporate Watch by filling in our Training Survey. Corporate

Yara: the fertiliser giant causing climate catastrophe

Next month a group of people will try to close down

Resisting the gold rush: Dalradian Resources and the struggle against gold mining in Ireland

Communities in County Tyrone in Northern Ireland have been resisting proposals

Kier: Building controversy

Kier is a multinational construction company and the principal contractor building

New mega-prison for Glasgow

A new mega-prison is to be built in Glasgow after an

New ‘Secure School’ as part of a wave of new children’s prisons

The Government has announced its plans to create a new ‘Secure

Treasury commits to funding new mega-prisons

The government’s plans to build two new mega-prisons has been re-affirmed

Poppies, Prison labour and the War Machine

Poppies and Prison Labour At this time of year, people wearing

No Prisons Podcast

Nicole from Corporate Watch was recently interviewed on the No Prisons

Corporate Watch at Bristol Tattoo Circus

Two members of Corporate Watch will be at Bristol Tattoo Circus

Inside Britain’s Close Supervision Centres: Prisons within prisons

Corporate Watch recently interviewed ex-prisoner Kyle Major about his experiences in

New Podcast: Prison Island on the Lockdown

A researcher at Corporate Watch was recently interviewed on Lockdown Podcast